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Arm-based control of a lower limb exoskeleton

Proof of concept of a novel approach based on the shoulder kinematics

Recognising the user’s locomotive intentions is crucial for the correct functionality of exoskeletons and active orthoses. For gait applications, extrapolating control inputs from the arm swing may be worthwhile, since arm oscillations naturally occur during human locomotion. A s ...
An estimated 40,000 people have trauma related above knee amputations in the United States alone. A transfemoral prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces the amputated limb. Although trauma related amputations are going down annually, there is still the need for prostheses ...
The restoration of the walking function of paraplegic patients requires long and extensive training. Physicians themselves are not able to provide this training due to the physical labour required. Robots and soft exoskeletons are in development to assist the physicians in this t ...
Currently, lower-body exoskeletons for
paraplegics are investigated as an alternative to wheelchairs
and as an exercise method with medical benefits. Literature
provides little examples for users to influence the
length or frequency of steps taken by the exoskelet ...
Ever since human ancestors picked up rocks and used them as tools, technology has enhanced human capabilities. Over the last decades more and more research has been done in trying to enhance strength and endurance by means of an exoskeleton. Reducing the metabolic cost of human w ...