In this Thesis a fast, low-cost, anthropomorphic robotic hand with tactile feedback is designed. The hand consists of an index finger and a thumb, both of which have four degrees of freedom. All eight degrees of freedom are fully actuated using eight servomotors whose forces are
In this Thesis a fast, low-cost, anthropomorphic robotic hand with tactile feedback is designed. The hand consists of an index finger and a thumb, both of which have four degrees of freedom. All eight degrees of freedom are fully actuated using eight servomotors whose forces are transferred using tendons. The design introduces tendon routing to minimize the change in tendon tension as the joints rotate. To accomplish this at the 2 degree of freedom joints of thumb and index finger, a novel design for the ball and socket joint is created. The hand can be controlled using a tactile glove called the SenseGlove which also enables the user to receive force feedback. Testing reveals that the robot can open and close its fingers within 275 ms, and is able to grab a variety of objects.