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J.M.P. Geraedts

3 records found

Pedestrian Acceptance of Delivery Robots

Appearance, interaction and intelligence design

Technology developments are making it possible to start automating the last-mile of parcel logistics. This raises the question of how these autonomous technologies will interact with humans. The goal of this project is to design a concept of a delivery robot for DHL, that maximiz ...

Active wheelchair

Design of a concept of a novel product for wheelchair users to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviors

This master thesis contains the development of a product solution for wheelchair users. Based on behavioral science theories, persuasive technology principles and an analysis of the context and problems of wheelchair users, a strategy and product have been developed to help wheel ...

3D Reconstruction of Niniveh

A casestudy on the Bas-reliefs of the Southwest Palace of Sennacherib with monocular images

Parts of the Southwest Palace of Sennacherib (700 BC), which were located in Nineveh (Iraq), are now destroyed by the ongoing conflict in Iraq and Syria. The palace rooms used to be decorated with numerous Assyrian reliefs. Luckily, digital pictures of the site are available than ...