Rachel Lee
5 records found
This study explores the Vernacular Architecture of the northeastern Indian State of Assam to develop a sustainable building model tailored to modern societal demands. Over two months, field research was conducted, including analysis of traditional Assamese buildings and interview
Empowering Architects For Sustainable High-Rise Development
A Parametric Approach For Sustainable Timber High-Rise Design
The paper establishes the need for a parametric design tool in contemporary tall timber construction, combining literature studies, expert interviews, and case study analyses. Findings reveal seven key challenges, including economic feasibility and fire safety, and explore techni
Places of Belonging for the Displaced
Thuisplekken voor Ontheemden
The starting point for this graduation project was a fascination with how architects can design for people who live at the margins of society, people that are invisible to many. The research was an investigation into places of belonging of displaced people in the Netherlands. In
Space-making, Playing it Forward
Using language in co-creative participatory urban processes to access and value the ‘unconventional‘ while also building citizen literacy
The project aims to develop a co-creative approach to participatory urban planning and design for improved socio-spatial justice through co-creation. The project is situated within a broader context of ‘Them vs Us’ conflicts including rigid social hierarchies of coloniality, cast
Eine Zeitreise
"Theresienstadt. Eine Zeitreise" ist das erste Buch, das die spannende Geschichte der über 200 Jahre alten Stadt und Festung nacherzählt. Es überrascht mit neuem Wissen und zeigt anschaulich, wo die Spuren der Vergangenheit zu finden sind. Das Buch berichtet über die düstere Zeit