K. Rassels

4 records found

Development of the Experimental Design for the Validation of EEG Source Localization with fMRI

Application of a Haptic Robot to Identify Active Neuronal Ensembles

Various source localization algorithms exist to perform localization with High Density (HD)-ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG). However, validation of these EEG source localization algorithms is lacking. The current gold standard for source localization in the brain is functional Magne ...

EEG Derived Laterality Metrics as a Biomarker for of Upper Limb Recovery in Stroke

An Explorative Study into EEG Biomarkers for Longitudinal Stroke Recovery

Problem: A biomarker that accurately predicts recovery of ischemic stroke for patients with poor baseline Fugl-Meyer Assessment of the Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) is lacking. Biomarkers that predict recovery while providing functional insight into the underlying neural process are h ...
The company invented a product that can monitor vulnerable people. It is important that they know exactly where their products are located. If a situation occurred where a vulnerable person needs immediate help, first responders can use the knowledge of the location to get to the ...

Live streaming via WiFi

Monitoring premature babies

This report describes the implementation of a custom streaming solution from an IP camera to a web browser. The system aims to both provide live video and Video on Demand. This will be used to monitor premature babies in incubators.