C.S. Smith
5 records found
Illumination normalization for Industry 4.0
Specular reflection removal from non-dielectrics
With the introduction of machine learning algorithms in industry came a new improvement to excising production line. Image recognisance can now be used to detect defects of the product made by these production lines. However these kinds of flaw detection can be fooled by mirror-l
Incremental Hierarchical Learning using Radial Basis Function for Taxonomy based data
A Transfer Learning Implementation
Significant work has been done in the field of computer vision focusing on learning and clustering methods. The use of improved learning methods has paved a way forward for researches to explore various theories to improve existing methods. One among various learning methods is H
Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) that affects around a quarter-billion people worldwide. Most of the infected people live in tropical regions, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where there is limited access to diagnostic and other relevant medical facilities.
Tensor Network Kalman Filter for Large-Scale MIMO Systems
With Application to Adaptive Optics
For large-scale system with tens of thousands of states and outputs the computation in the conventional Kalman filter becomes time-consuming such that Kalman filtering in large-scale real-time application is practically infeasible. A possible mathematical framework to lift the cu