Due to river training in the past centuries, the bed level of the Waal started and is still decreasing by several centimetres a year. Erosion of the riverbed causes problems for objects underneath the riverbed like cables, pipelines and foundations of structures. Furthermore, som
Due to river training in the past centuries, the bed level of the Waal started and is still decreasing by several centimetres a year. Erosion of the riverbed causes problems for objects underneath the riverbed like cables, pipelines and foundations of structures. Furthermore, some parts of the river are eroding at a higher velocity compared to other parts due to a difference in the composition of the bed material. This can result in a jump in the bed level while the water level cannot follow this jump. This results in less available draught for inland vessels. If no mitigation measures are applied and the bed level keeps decreasing, more problems are likely to occur resulting in less transport over the Waal. A possible solution to reduce bed erosion inside the Waal locally is the use of groyne field nourishments.
The objective of this research is to obtain more knowledge about the flow in a real-life groyne field and the effect of vessels on this flow. The research question formulated for this research is, therefore: \textit{what is the influence of vessels on the flow properties inside a groyne field and in what way do the characteristics of the vessels influence this?} To answer this research question a literature study is done first. Secondly, a measurement campaign is performed and finally, the results are analysed to investigate the effect of the characteristics of the vessels.
The literature study is done to obtain more knowledge about the flow properties inside a groyne field. The distinction is made between emerged and submerged groynes and the scenario with and without vessels. The situation where the groynes are emerged is dominant for the erosion inside the groyne field. In this scenario, the flow inside the groyne field consists out of one or two circulation patterns. The first circulation pattern is a large eddy in the downstream part of the groyne field, referred to as the primary eddy. When the groyne field is long enough, a second eddy is present in the upstream part of the groyne field, the secondary eddy. This eddy has a flow direction opposite to the primary eddy and a smaller flow velocity. When a vessel passes a groyne field, the flow pattern inside the groyne field changes due to the primary waves created by the vessel. Firstly, the water level inside the groyne field is raised due to the bow wave. Secondly, due to depression in the water level caused by the primary wave the water level inside the groyne field is lowered. Finally, the water level inside the groyne field is increased again due to the stern wave.
To investigate the effect of vessels on a groyne field, a measurement campaign is performed. The flow direction, flow velocity and water level inside the groyne field are measured with the use of several measurement instruments for two weeks. The obtained data by the measurements is analysed and visualised. The results show that the primary eddy remains partly intact when a vessel sails past the groyne field. Since the primary eddy remains partly intact, the water is guided towards the upstream part of the groyne field. In the upstream part of the groyne field, the secondary eddy does disappear and the flow is directed out of the groyne field. This results in the water, and sediment, flowing out of the groyne field mainly in the upstream part of the groyne field. This has resulted in a scour hole present in the upstream part of the groyne field.
In this research the effect of multiple vessel characteristics on the water level and flow velocity inside the groyne field is investigated. The vessel characteristics investigated are the draught, the sailing speed, the vessel length, the vessel width and the distance of the vessel towards the measurement instrument. The effect of vessels on the water level and flow velocity inside the groyne field differs for each vessel. Information about the vessels has been obtained by using AIS (Automatic Identification System) data. During the processing of the AIS-data, irregularities and errors were found and mostly removed from the AIS-data. According to the final results, the draught of a vessel does not influence the water level and flow velocity inside the groyne field. An increase in the sailing speed of a vessel and a decrease in the distance of a vessel towards the groyne field does have an enlarging effect on the water level difference and the flow velocity inside a groyne field. The combined effect of increasing the length and the width of a vessel also has an enlarging effect on the water level difference and the flow velocity inside the groyne field. It should be noted that the results show a large variance and it is impossible to predict the effect of a single vessel based on the vessel characteristics.
The measurement campaign showed that a constant water level fluctuation is present inside the groyne field even when no vessel is affecting the flow inside the groyne field. Multiple explanations for this fluctuation are given with transverse oscillations between both riverbanks being the most likely.
The measured flow pattern inside the groyne field without vessel is according to the literature. When the flow is affected by a vessel, the flow pattern differs from the flow pattern described in the literature. Furthermore, the effect of a vessel is likely not only depending on the characteristics of a vessel but also on the flow mechanism inside the river system such as the helical flow, the angle of the groyne field with respect to the main channel and the constant water level fluctuation inside the groyne field.
This research adds to the already existing knowledge about the flow in groyne fields. To investigate the effectiveness of groyne field nourishments, a pilot is planned where the actual nourishment will take place at the same location as the measurement campaign. Therefore, this research can be used to better prepare the planned nourishment pilot to investigate the effectiveness of groyne field nourishments. Furthermore, this research contains data about the flow pattern inside the groyne field without nourishment which can be compared to the situation during and after the nourishment pilot. In the end, this research can be a part of the answer to whether groyne field nourishments can reduce or stop the erosion inside the Waal river.