Research into multi-axial fatigue requires knowledge on the through time and thickness development of the propagating crack front. In order to provide this knowledge methods must be developed to monitor crack initiation and growth during a fatigue test. The acoustic emission meth
Research into multi-axial fatigue requires knowledge on the through time and thickness development of the propagating crack front. In order to provide this knowledge methods must be developed to monitor crack initiation and growth during a fatigue test. The acoustic emission method has been recognised as a possible means to this end.
Fatigue is a failure mode that is characterised by the accumulation of damage during cyclic loading. Fatigue initiates on the microscale as dislocation movement, and subsequently develops into crack growth and eventual failure. In the assessment of fatigue damage it is critical to estimate the remaining lifetime. Prediction models have been developed for uni-axial loaded joints. However in the field of multi-axial fatigue these models are inadequate. To improve upon these models knowledge is required on the development of the fracture during cyclic multi-axial loading.
The acoustic emission method is a procedure for non-destructive testing that is based on detecting elastic stress waves originating from changes in the microstructure of an object. In the industry two common applications of acoustic emission exist. One of these aims to extract insights into the severity of damage from waveform features, the other aims to localise and correlate acoustic events. Novel applications focus mainly on the improvement of these two fields. A state of the art method is proposed which aims to localise acoustic sources in small scale volumes as a means of imaging the crack front.
Localisation of the sources is performed using a time difference of arrive scheme, which is also known as multilateration. The accuracy of this scheme is highly dependent on the accuracy of the input parameters. Therefore the times of arrival, receiver positions and speed of sound must be established meticulously.
Extensive processing is required to transform the recorded acoustic emission data into a representation of the crack propagation. For this purpose a post-processing system has been developed which automates time of arrival picking, event building and event localisation. The developed system is an extension to the AMSY-6 acoustic emission measurement system developed by Vallen Systeme.
In order to validate the accuracy of the extended measurement system an experiment has been designed. In a volumetric geometry sources are simulated in order to assess the bias and the variance, additionally noise is added to the simulation to evaluate the sensitivity of the procedures.
The study has shown that, under ideal noise conditions, the precision can amount to a cluster of about a millimetre in size. Additionally the bias of this cluster can be reduced to a minimum by means of careful calibration of the receiver positions and the speed of sound. Both of these observations indicate that an accurate representation of the propagating crack front may be obtained through a regression model, if the conditions are known and within acceptable limits. Regarding non-ideal conditions the analysis of the noise sensitivity has shown that the accuracy is relatively stable as long as the signal to noise ratio is kept above SNR ≥ 30 dB.
In conclusion this has shown that monitoring the propagation of the crack front using volumetric acoustic emission source localisation may be possible if the conditions are right. This means that the signal to noise ratio must be kept above SNR ≥ 30 dB. If this is the case, and if enough events are recorded to perform regression both the bias and the variance should pose a problem to monitoring crack growth.