G. Bufalari
4 records found
On Multiaxial Fatigue of Welded Joints in Steel Maritime Structures
Strength and mechanism contributions
Maritime structures, such as offshore support vessels and floating wind turbines, face time-varying loads from environmental elements like wind and waves, as well as operational loads from machinery. This exposure leads to fatigue, a progressive cracking process triggered by cycl
Mode-{I, III} multiaxial fatigue of welded joints in steel maritime structures
Effective notch stress based resistance incorporating strength and mechanism contributions
The response of maritime structures can be multiaxial, involving predominant mode-I and non-negligible mode-III components. Adopting a stress distribution formulation based effective notch stress as fatigue strength parameter for mixed mode-{I, III} multiaxial fatigue assessment
Mode-{I, III} multiaxial fatigue of welded joints in steel maritime structures
Total stress based resistance incorporating strength and mechanism contributions
Arc-welded joints in steel maritime structures are typically identified as weakest links in terms of fatigue limit state performance. Multiaxiality can be involved, consisting of predominant mode-I and non-negligible mode-III components. Aiming to answer the question if a cracked
Mode-III fatigue of welded joints in steel maritime structures
Weld notch shear stress distributions and effective notch stress based resistance
The predominant mode-I response of maritime structures can be multiaxial, involving out-of-plane mode-III shear components. Semi-analytical mode-III notch stress distribution formulations have been established for critical details like welded T-joints and cruciform joints, reflec