A. Rafiee
6 records found
Urban Tree Classification in Delft, the Netherlands
Classifying Urban Tree Characteristics with Machine Learning Using Airborne LiDAR and Satellite Imagery
Current urban tree inventories rely heavily on time-consuming manual work and often fail to capture all trees. To effectively monitor the impact of urban trees on their environment and vice versa, an automated method for detecting and grouping trees based on their characteristics
In response to global climate change and the increasing frequency of extreme natural hazards, an early intervention flood risk assessment methodology has been developed to assess damage at the building component level. This approach allows for the precise identification of vulner
Integrating urban context in daylighting simulation
The design consequences in Dutch urban areas, regarding visual & non-visual levels of daylight
The Netherlands is facing a housing demand of 1 million homes before 2030. Most of these residences are planned to be built in and around existing cities, causing an increase in urban densities with sub-optimal indoor daylighting conditions as a result. Simultaneously, the daylig
Digital Design Tool For Climate Resilient Buildings
Designing an open-source Python tool to assess the climate resilience of structural IFC models regarding Climate Change in the Netherlands
Due to global warming, the Netherlands is experiencing a variety of climatic changes, including temperature rise, increased solar radiation and condensation, low pressure, high humidity, wild-fires, drought, subsidence, changes in ground-water levels, an increased risk of floodin
Nowadays, humans rely in technology more and more when it comes to navigation and localisation and in many aspects of life as well. While most concepts related to localisation and navigation of outdoors environments are already well derived from various researches and softwares,
Nowadays, the evolution of localisation and navigation technologies is vast, aiding towards facilitating users’ guidance in various environments. Outdoor positioning can be easily achieved, with the widely used Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which comprise a universa