
7 records found

100 Years of Summer

A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can thrive in a warming alpine landscape, together.

100 Years of Summer: A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can thrive in a warming alpine landscape, together.
This project started with a romantic fascination for the mountain landscape in my home country, and with wondering wh ...


The silence is within

The inner city of Rotterdam is very dense and contains all kinds of activities and people. It is an area every citizen uses and whereby different purposes and behaviors occur. This makes it an area full of life, but also a fragile place looking
at the future and its liveabili ...

In dit afstudeerproject wordt de architectuur benaderd als een proces.

Als onderdeel van de wereld.
Als iets dat in overgang is.
Aan constante verandering onderhevig.

Aan invloeden van buitenaf,
aan weer en wind,
aan de mens.
