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A.P. Afghari

4 records found

Past bicyclist subjective safety studies have evaluated different intersection types and bicycle facilities at roundabouts. None have focused on the different design elements of a dedicated bicycle facility and analyzed both perceptions of safety and comfort of bicyclists in a si ...

Evaluating the effectiveness of sustainable measures in achieving driving behaviour compliance on GOW30 roads

A driving simulator experiment based on the Zaagmolenstraat in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

In order to increase traffic safety in the Netherlands, the government implemented the GOW30-policy. However, evaluation of this policy shows that drivers do not comply with this newly imposed speed limit sufficiently. For this reason, roads need to be designed in such a way that ...
Traffic congestion and undeveloped public transport define the modus operandi in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Most people see motorcycles as a solution to escape the growing traffic congestion and poor public transport. This study thus aimed to determine the traffic effic ...
Disruptions occur frequently in railway networks, requiring adjustments to the timetable, rolling stock planning and crew planning while causing delays and cancellations. Although the evolu­tion of system performance during a disruption can be visualized in the resilience curve, ...