Rodrigo Viseu Cardoso

5 records found

Urban mixed-use development has been a popular subject in both research and practice. In recent years, stimulated by sustainable development and land shortage, Trendy Mix has emerged widely in Europe, especially in the Netherlands. Trendy Mix is a type of urban design with specia ...

Sinks to Rise | From Carbon to Construction

An integrated approach of nature-based carbon storage and bio-based building materials

In an era marked by pressing environmental concerns and the urgent need for sustainable solutions, our project embarked on a transformative journey, envisioning a future where nature-based strategies not only combat climate change but also foster economic prosperity and social ju ...

Return of the industries as new green hubs

Introducing circular hydrogen landscapes for energy systems in northwest Europe

The Earth is experiencing an increase in global surface temperature due to a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly caused by the production of fossil-fuel-based energy using non-renewable resources. The heavy industries, predominantly comprising refineries, are t ...

Platform Urbanism Beyond Colonization and Commodification

Designing the Platform Before It Designs Us

The rapid upsurge of the platform economy is producing profound changes to the way in which urban areas are functioning. With digital technology putting roots down in the fields of public transport, hospitality and the service industry, it opened up possibilities for new platform ...


The Agency of the Border between Land and Sea

The globalization that we are facing completely transformed the world as we knew it fifty years ago. The historical era we live in today is cha- racterized by the use of technology, which is one of the factors that made globalization possible. While some time ago it was possible ...