P. van der Lugt
38 records found
Booming Bamboo
The (re)discovery of a sustainable material with endless possibilities
Booming Bamboo explores the most innovative applications of bamboo in architecture and design.@en
The latest generation of timber products enable complete multi storey neighbourhoods to be built from sustainably sourced softwood.
This chapter explores how a large-scale transition to timber building in urban environments could contribute to solving the three major global crise
Discussing Timber Myths
A dialogue between our ambitions and the facts
The building industry has a huge impact on the environment, both in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and resource consumption. It therefore requires a major transition towards more circular and climate-proof building practices. A key piece of the puzzle may come from an un
Houtbouwmythes ontkracht
Het onderscheid tussen fabels en feiten
Gezien de nijpende klimaatverandering en de grote milieu-impact van de bouw is het urgenter dan ooit om onze bouwpraktijk grondig te herzien. Een deel van de oplossing komt wellicht uit onverwachte hoek, namelijk grootschalige toepassing van hout....@en
INBAR (International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation) Working Paper. This policy brief provides an introduction to how bamboo forestry projects can be integrated into carbon markets.@en
De houtbouw revolutie
Op weg naar een circulaire toekomst
De toepassingsmogelijkheden van hout in de bouw lijken oneindig en nog altijd volgen technologische ontwikkelingen elkaar in rap tempo op. Als ‘De Houtbouw Revolutie’ íets leert, dan is het dat bouwen met hout de toekomst heeft. Het boek behandelt op aantrekkelijke wijze de vele
Tomorrow's Timber
Towards the next building revolution
In Tomorrow’s Timber, new timber innovations are explored, including the materials, products, elements and complete building systems, providing context for this emerging shift in design and construction. Inspiring case studies worldwide show that the mass timber revolution is hap
Bamboo in the Circular Economy
The potential of bamboo in a zero-waste, low-carbon future
In short, bamboo offers an available, scaleable circular solution to current, linear models of production and consumption. This report should provide policy makers, donors and business investors with a greater understanding of bamboo’s huge potential in the circular economy.@en
Engineered Bamboo Products
A sustainable choice?
Given the increasing scarcity of resources, a transition from the traditional linear “make-take-waste” production scenario to a circular model is essential to be able to meet the needs of future generations. In the circular economy concept1 products are designed in such a way tha
This study assesses the carbon sequestration potential through the increased use of industrial bamboo materials in the Western building industry, to better understand how engineered bamboo compares with commonly used building materials such as tropical hardwood. The first objecti
In the global climate agreements made during COP 21 in Paris, the role of forests and wood products have gained more attention considering their important impact – both negative and positive – through deforestation, forest conservation, afforestation and increasing application of
The environmental impact of industrial bamboo products
Life-cycle assessment and carbon sequestration
This report presents the results of a Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and carbon footprint analysis of a selection of industrial bamboo products that are manufactured by the company MOSO International. The analysis was done to determine the impact that their production and disposal h
Environmental Assessment of Industrial Bamboo Products
Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Sequestration
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the commonly accepted methodology to systematically assess the environmental impact of a material over the full life cycle, from the extraction of resources until the end phase of demolition or recycling (from cradle till grave).
The first objective