N.M. van der Velden
11 records found
Recurf-UP! Een nieuwe bestemming van textielafval
Van biocomposiet tot designproduct
Een belangrijk motto in de transitie naar een circulaire economie luidt: afval is grondstof. Het duidt op de doelstelling om een afgedankt materiaal maximaal te hergebruiken. Helaas is het lang niet altijd mogelijk om een reststroom zodanig te recyclen dat hij als nieuwe grondsto
Electrically conducting fibres for e-textiles
An open playground for conjugated polymers and carbon nanomaterials
Conducting fibres and yarns promise to become an essential part of the next generation of wearable electronics that seamlessly integrate electronic function into one of the most versatile and most widely used form of materials: textiles. This review explores the many types of con
Monetisation of external socio-economic costs of industrial production
A social-LCA-based case of clothing production
The purpose of this study is to benchmark production processes and production chains of clothing products, by means of social life cycle assessment (S-LCA). In this paper we present the socio-economic costs (s-eco-costs) method for monetisation of external socio-economic burden f
Making Fashion Sustainable
The Role of Designers
The dissertation ‘Making Fashion Sustainable – The Role of Designers’ describes the PhD research of Natascha M. van der Velden on the envisioned role designers could take responsibility for in the transition towards a more sustainable fashion industry.
The current worldwide t ...
The current worldwide t ...