PA Jensen
14 records found
The added value of FM: How can FM create value to organisations
A critical review of papers from EuroFM Research Symposia 2013-2015 papers
The last decade shows a growing attention into the concept of added value of Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management and how to attain and measure added value. A variety of different types of added value came to the fore such as user value, customer value, fina
Purpose: To summarize recent research findings and reflections on The Added Value of Facilities Management and to outline perspectives for future research and development of the added value of FM.
Methodology - The article is based on reflections on contributions to the recently
Purpose: To create an overview and evaluation of the achievements of the contributions in this book by identifying, summarising and discussing cross-cutting themes and essential learning points across the former chapters.
Methodology: Based on a purposeful reading of all chapters
In search for the added value of FM
What we know and what we need to learn
– This article aims to present and compare research perspectives and theoretical reflections from a variety of academic fields on the concept of added value of facilities management.
– The starting point is the so‐called FM Val ...
– This article aims to present and compare research perspectives and theoretical reflections from a variety of academic fields on the concept of added value of facilities management.
– The starting point is the so‐called FM Val ...
Purpose: This chapter presents research perspectives and theoretical reflections on the concept of added value of FM from a variety of academic fields.
Methodology: A literature review of the most influential journals within the academic fields of Facilities Management (FM), Corp
Purpose: To outline perspectives for further work on the added value of FM and identify relevant ideas and topics for further research and development.
Methodology: The chapter is based on a screening of all the former chapters in the book, input from various workshops with the a