Jingxiao Zhang

4 records found

Mountain glaciers are excellent indicators of climate change and have an important role in the terrestrial water cycle and food security in many parts of the world. Glaciers are the major water source of rivers and lakes in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains (NM) region, where the gla ...
Mountain glaciers are one of the major fresh water resources. Glacier mass balance on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can directly reflect local climate change and plays a crucial role in the terrestrial water cycle and food security of local people. In this study, we improved the proce ...

Glacier Velocity Measurements with Landsat-8 Oli Data

Case Study on Yanong Glacier in Tibetan Plateau of China

Mountain glaciers are sensitive to climate change and are thus relevant indicators of regional climate variability. In order to understand the dynamics of glaciers, retrieving glacier surface velocity is valuable in understanding physical processes in glaciers. We apply an image ...
Glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau are an important indicator of climate change. Automatic glacier facies mapping utilizing remote sensing data is challenging due to the spectral similarity of supraglacial debris and the adja ...