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C Christiansen
Academic Work (9)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (8)
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9 records found
A novel and automatic mammographic texture resemblance marker is an independent risk factor for breast cancer
Journal article (2010) -
M Nielsen (author)
G Karemore (author)
Marco Loog (author)
M. Loog (author)
M Loog (author)
J Raundahl (author)
N Karssemeijer (author)
JDM Otten (author)
MA Karsdal (author)
CM Vachon (author)
C Christiansen (author)
Breast density changes associated with postmenopausal hormone therapy: post hoc radiologist- and computer-based analyses
Journal article (2010) -
M Nielsen (author)
PC Pettersen (author)
PMD Alexandersen (author)
G Karemore (author)
J Raundahl (author)
M Loog (author)
M. Loog (author)
Marco Loog (author)
C Christiansen (author)
Low-dose transdermal estradiol induces breast density and heterogeneity changes comparable to those of raloxifene
Journal article (2009) -
M Nielsen (author)
J Raundahl (author)
PC Pettersen (author)
M Loog (author)
M. Loog (author)
Marco Loog (author)
G Karemore (author)
MA Karsdal (author)
C Christiansen (author)
Identification of progressors in osteoarthritis by combining biochemical and MRI-based markers
Journal article (2009) -
EB Dam (author)
Marco Loog (author)
M Loog (author)
M. Loog (author)
C Christiansen (author)
I Byrjalsen (author)
J Folkerson (author)
M Nielsen (author)
AA Qazi (author)
PC Pettersen (author)
P Garnero (author)
MA Karsdal (author)
Parallel assessment of the impact of different hormone replacement therapies on breast density by radiologist- and computer-based analyses of mammograms
Journal article (2008) -
PC Pettersen (author)
J Raundahl (author)
M. Loog (author)
Marco Loog (author)
M Loog (author)
M Nielsen (author)
LB Tanko (author)
C Christiansen (author)
A variational method for automatic localization of the most pathological ROI in the knee Cartilage
Conference paper (2008) -
AA Qazi (author)
EB Dam (author)
M. Loog (author)
Marco Loog (author)
M Loog (author)
M Nielsen (author)
F Lauze (author)
C Christiansen (author)
Superconductor-insulator transitions in 2D: The experimental situtation.
Journal article (2000) -
N Markovic (author)
C Christiansen (author)
AM Mack (author)
AM Goldman (author)
Anomalous hopping exponent in ultrathin films of metals.
Journal article (2000) -
N Markovic (author)
C Christiansen (author)
DE Grupp (author)
AM Mack (author)
G Martinez-Arizala (author)
AM Goldman (author)
Superconductor-insulator transition in 2-D
Journal article (1999) -
N Markovic (author)
C Christiansen (author)
AM Mack (author)
WH Huber (author)
AM Goldman (author)