21 records found
Solving an unresol vable puzzle? How to support the designer in context
Workflow driven decision support systems: a case of an intra-operative visualization system for surgeons
Cognitive processes as integrative component for developing expert decision-making systems: A workflow centered framework
Tangible user interface for increasing social interaction among rural women
Workflow driven user interface for radiological system: a human factors approach
Surgical decision-making: Insights for developing expert system for minimally invasive surgeries
Workflow integration matrix: a framework to support the developmenty of surgical information systems
The resection map, a proposal for intraoperative hepatectomy guidance
Critical factors influencing intra-operative surgical decision-making
Towards intuitive surgical interfaces: Strategies from video games
Intelligence in medical technology
User interface concept
Surgeon centered framework towards analysing the surgical workflow
Technology assessment as guidance in product development for-realtime-radiology based information for the surgeon
User interface concept for liver surgery
Bridging the gap: a user centered design approach towards developing technological solutions
Surgical workflow analysis for identifying user requirements for surgical information systems
Bridging the gap: A design approach to developing technological solutions to support minimally invasive surgeries
Technology assessment as guidance in product development for - real time - radiology based information for the surgeon
A generic monitoring system for surgical robotic manipulations