B.P. Tighe
37 records found
The jamming transition of soft particles characterized by narrow size distributions has been well studied by physicists. However, polydispersed systems are more relevant to engineering, and the influence of polydispersity on jamming phenomena is still unexplored. Here, we numeric
We show that foams and emulsions can display a fundamentally different normal response to a simple shear deformation. While foams dilate or push outwards on the shearing surfaces, known as a positive Poynting effect, in emulsions the Poynting effect can have either sign and can b
We determine how low frequency vibrational modes control the elastic shear modulus of Mikado networks, a minimal mechanical model for semi-flexible fiber networks. From prior work it is known that when the fiber bending modulus is sufficiently small, (i) the shear modulus of 2D M
We numerically investigate stress relaxation in soft athermal disks to reveal critical slowing down when the system approaches the jamming point. The exponents describing the divergence of the relaxation time differ dramatically depending on whether the transition is approached f
Numerous soft materials jam into an amorphous solid at a high packing fraction. This nonequilibrium phase transition is best understood in a model system where particles repel when they overlap. Recently, however, it was shown that introducing any finite amount of attraction betw
We investigate irreversibility in soft frictionless disk packings on approach to the unjamming transition. Using simulations of shear reversal tests, we study the relationship between plastic work and irreversible rearrangements of the contact network. Infinitesimal strains are r
We present an approach to understand geometric-incompatibility–induced rigidity in underconstrained materials, including subisostatic 2D spring networks and 2D and 3D vertex models for dense biological tissues. We show that in all these models a geometric criterion, represented b
We numerically investigate nonlocal effects on inhomogeneous flows of soft athermal disks close to but below their jamming transition. We employ molecular dynamics to simulate Kolmogorov flows, in which a sinusoidal flow profile with fixed wave number is externally imposed, resul
Sticky Matters
Jamming and Rigid Cluster Statistics with Attractive Particle Interactions
While the large majority of theoretical and numerical studies of the jamming transition consider athermal packings of purely repulsive spheres, real complex fluids and soft solids generically display attraction between particles. By studying the statistics of rigid clusters in si
Scaling of flow curves
Comparison between experiments and simulations
Yield-stress materials form an interesting class of materials that behave like solids at small stresses, but start to flow once a critical stress is exceeded. It has already been reported both in experimental and simulation work that flow curves of different yield-stress material
When elastic solids are sheared, a nonlinear effect named after Poynting gives rise to normal stresses or changes in volume. We provide a novel relation between the Poynting effect and the microscopic Grüneisen parameter, which quantifies how stretching shifts vibrational modes.
Aqueous foams are an important model system that displays coarsening dynamics. Coarsening in dispersions and foams is well understood in the dilute and dry limits, where the gas fraction tends to zero and one, respectively. However, foams are known to undergo a jamming transition
We use simulations of frictionless soft sphere packings to identify novel constitutive relations for linear elasticity near the jamming transition. By forcing packings at varying wavelengths, we directly access their transverse and longitudinal compliances. These are found to be
In many soft matter systems with a network structure, the mean connectivity plays a key role in determining the mechanical response. In the typical scenario for central force networks, there is a critical connectivity (the isostatic point) above which the system can withstand she
While jamming is best understood in the context of purely repulsive soft spheres, emulsions and other experimental realizations of the soft sphere model commonly display weakly cohesive forces. We perform simulations of soft spheres with a finite-ranged attractive tail in the pai
We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of stress relaxation tests in athermal viscous soft sphere packings close to their unjamming transition. By systematically and simultaneously varying both the amplitude of the applied strain step and the pressure of the init
When weakly jammed packings of soft, viscous, non-Brownian spheres are probed mechanically, they respond with a complex admixture of elastic and viscous effects. While many of these effects are understood for specific, approximate models of the particles' interactions, there are
Materials like foams and emulsions display complex rhelogical behavior close to their jamming transition. When driven too hard the initial linear stress-strain response breaks down and the material softens. Using simulations of soft repulsive spheres, we characterize the softenin
We use simulations to probe the flow properties of dense two-dimensional magnetorheological fluids. Prior results from both experiments and simulations report that the shear stress σ scales with strain rate as σ ∼ 1-Δ, with values of the exponent ranging between 2/3 &l
Many soft matter systems are confined in some but not all dimensions; examples include microfluidic channels and inclined plane flows. Hence it is important to characterize finite size effects not only as a function of volume, but also for varying aspect ratio. For soft sphere pa