Ellák Somfai
3 records found
Solids deform and fluids flow, but soft glassy materials, such as emulsions, foams, suspensions, and pastes, exhibit an intricate mix of solid- and liquid-like behavior. While much progress has been made to understand their elastic (small strain) and flow (infinite strain) proper
We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of stress relaxation tests in athermal viscous soft sphere packings close to their unjamming transition. By systematically and simultaneously varying both the amplitude of the applied strain step and the pressure of the init
Beyond linear elasticity
Jammed solids at finite shear strain and rate
The shear response of soft solids can be modeled with linear elasticity, provided the forcing is slow and weak. Both of these approximations must break down when the material loses rigidity, such as in foams and emulsions at their (un)jamming point-suggesting that the window of l