GJ Doornbos

14 records found

The behavior of the superconducting current density j s(B,T) and the dynamical relaxation rate Q(B,T) of YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films exhibits a number of features typical for strong pinning of vortices by growth induced linear defects. At lo ...
The behavior of the superconducting current density (formula presented) and the dynamical relaxation rate (formula presented) of (formula presented) thin films exhibits a number of features typical for strong pinning of vortices by growth induced linear defects. At low magnetic f ...
The field dependence of the superconducting current density js(B)and the pinning energy UC(B) in thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-δindicates three different pinning regimes. At low fields, μH < B* ≈ 0.7nd0s ...
To investigate the quantum tunneling of almost macroscopic vortex segments we measured the normalized relaxation rate Q of superconducting currents for various high- Tc superconductors (HTS’s) down to 100 mK in magnetic fields up to 7 T. At fields below ?0.5 T, Q is essentially i ...
We studied the superconducting current density js (B, T) and dynamical relaxation rate Q(B, T) of laser ablated thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-δ with various dislocation densities (ndisl ∼ 7 - 70 μm-2). In these films dislocations act as strong pinning centers like columnar defects in h ...
Thin films of the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O(7-δ) exhibit both a large critical current (the superconducting current density generally lies between 10 and 10 A m-2 at 4.2 K in zero magnetic field) and a decrease in such currents with ...
In an attempt to clarify the origin of the large critical current densities Jc observed in Laser Ablated and Sputtered YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin films, we make a systematic study of the low temperature Jc in samples carefully analysed using STM and AFM. Jc (B) is determined from to ...
Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-δ films nucleate in c-axis oriented single-crystalline islands. The surface of the single-crystalline SrTiO3 substrates exhibit steps of one third of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ c-axis. These steps generate a mismatch in the island boundaries between the CuO2 superconduct ...