The numerous country profiles developed in compliance with ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) in different jurisdictions worldwide reflect the standard's growing significance and acceptance. A country profile may outline the current situation in the land admin
The numerous country profiles developed in compliance with ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) in different jurisdictions worldwide reflect the standard's growing significance and acceptance. A country profile may outline the current situation in the land administration (LA) domain and adapt the existing land administration system (LAS) into the LADM concepts, or it may indicate the requirement or desired outcome for a possible future scenario in a specific country. Previous studies show that many countries, such as Brazil, China, Croatia, Netherlands, etc., have developed their country profiles based on LADM. In the meantime, the Malaysian LADM country profile also has been developed. However, it only applied to Peninsular Malaysia (Sabah and Wilayah Sarawak are omitted) since different LA is being practiced. Currently, the Wilayah Sarawak has an integrated organization, Department of Land and Survey Sarawak, applied in the LA domain where all the departments (e.g., Land Registry, Planning, Valuation, Title Registration, Survey and Cadastral Mapping, etc.) contribute the information accordingly in that system. The Sarawak country profile is based on LADM edition II (under development), and is the first country profile reported using all parts (of the new multi-parts LADM edition II), arriving at truly integrated LA. The experience may shall be used on input to the final version of LADM edition II. The new functionality modelled, such in the 3D representation, provide path to Sarawak future. It is the aim of this paper to describe the Wilayah Sarawak country profile development based on LADM Edition II. Relevant 2D and 3D spatial and non-spatial objects of LA, including Native Customary Rights (NCR) data, are the focused of the development of the Wilayah Sarawak LADM Country Profile classes. The country profile model is developed to establish a much broader system related to the land administration of the state.@en