Incorporating Legal Space Details of Building from BIM/IFC to the LADM Sarawak Country Profile
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This paper expands the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Sarawak Country Profile by incorporating legal space details from Building Information Modelling (BIM). Sarawak, located on Borneo Island, practices a distinct land administration system compared to Peninsular Malaysia. While Peninsular Malaysia follows the National Land Code of 1965, Sarawak adheres to the Sarawak Land Code 1958, which includes provisions for indigenous customary land rights. The Malaysia country profile has been developed based on the LADM standard, considering the 3D situation. Since both regions (Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak) are under different legal frameworks, this study attempts to further develop the Sarawak country profile based on its current land administration system, including adopting some classes and attributes from the existing Malaysia country profile. The study investigates the potential of incorporating legal space details from the BIM/Industry Foundation Class (IFC) model into the Sarawak country profile. The conceptual model details the fundamental LADM components (Party, Administrative, and Spatial Unit), along with details on the legal space sourced from BIM/IFC. This mapping process requires BIM/IFC data to contain sufficient information for distinguishing property spaces and their boundaries.