F.T.J. Curvelo Magdaniel
17 records found
The European Campus
Management and Information
Since 2013, TU Delft’s Campus Research Team has studied various perspectives on (managing) the European university campus, from governance issues and workplace trend scenarios to energy-efficient strategies and smart tools. Results were published as journal papers and policy repo
Identifying the influence of university governance on campus management
Lessons from the Netherlands and Poland
The purpose of this article is to describe the effects of university governance on campus management based on the examples of the Netherlands and Poland. The study connected theory on campus management with a concept of five dimensions of university governance (autonomy, manageme
Purpose: This paper aims to underpin the importance of the availability (or absence) of campus management information (CMI) in supporting universities’ goals. Design/methodology/approach: Four perspectives of campus management were used to develop a structured survey enquiring ca
Purpose: This paper describes the different locations of campuses developed to stimulate innovation. It aims at support strategic decisions in the development of new and existing campuses and similar innovation-driven areas. Additionally, it aims to outline the key role of locati
Purpose: This paper seeks to model the relationship between innovation and real estate, providing campus managers with a tool that illustrates how campus development stimulates innovation and that guides them to add value to their organisations.
Design/methodology/approach: ...
Design/methodology/approach: ...
This chapter examines the university campus as a strategic organizational resource helping universities to adapt from a traditional to an entrepreneurial profile in order to remain competitive in today’s knowledge-based economy. The author links the concept of ‘dynamic capabiliti
Campus-city relations
Past, present and future
In the global knowledge economy, attracting and retaining talent is the most important mutual goal of universities and cities. They work together in the worldwide competition for talent. The locations of universities play an important role in the competitive profile of cities and
Shaping urban serendipity
Cities and Innovation
Cities and innovation have a long history. Whereas in the industrial era’s cities where basically configured around factories, the contemporary digital society has diverse uses of space and time. All across the world abandoned industrial districts quickly transform into buzzing i
Campuses, Cities and Innovation
39 international cases accommodating tech-based research
The relationship between (technology) campuses and cities was a central theme in Flavia Curvelo Magdaniel’s doctoral research, which was defended and published in September 2016. During her PhD study she collected data of thirty-nine technology campuses, which has been considered
Technology campuses and cities
A study on the relation between innovation and the built environment at the urban area level
This thesis examines the development of technology campuses and their role in stimulating innovation. The main result of this thesis is a model for understanding and managing the relationship between the built environment and innovation at the urban area level. This model develop