N. Parappurath

6 records found

We directly observe the states of topological photonic crystals at telecom wavelengths. Using the states’ intrinsic radiation, we measure dispersion, loss, pseudospin, and spin-spin scattering. We image spin-selective unidirectional propagation around sharp corners and junctions. ...
We demonstrate that the scattering matrix of nanophotonic systems is completely determined by their quasinormal modes and present a first-principle expansion technique which is directly applicable to an arbitrary number of modes and input-output channels.@en
The scattering matrix is a fundamental tool to quantitatively describe the properties of resonant systems. In particular, it enables the understanding of many photonic devices of current interest, such as photonic metasurfaces and nanostructured optical scatterers. In this contri ...
We observe that the asymmetric transmission (AT) through photonic systems with a resonant chiral response is strongly related to the far-field properties of eigenmodes of the system. This understanding can be used to predict the AT for any resonant system from its complex eigenmo ...
We develop a theoretical formalism which explains asymmetric transmission (AT) in chiral resonators from their eigenmodes. We derive a fundamental limit for AT and propose the design of a chiral photonic crystal offering 84% AT.@en
It is well known that the quasinormal modes (or resonant states) of photonic structures can be associated with the poles of the scattering matrix of the system in the complex-frequency plane. In this work, the inverse problem, i.e., the reconstruction of the scattering matrix fro ...