F. Alpeggiani

25 records found


Bichromatic photonic crystal structures are based on the coexistence of two different periodicities in the dielectric constant profile. They are realized starting from a photonic crystal waveguide and modifying the lattice constant only in the waveguide region. In this work, w ...

The concept of topology has proven immensely powerful in physics, describing new phases of matter with unique properties. There has been a recent surge in attempts to implement topological protection in the photonic domain, owing to the application potential of robust transpor ...

We directly observe the states of topological photonic crystals at telecom wavelengths. Using the states’ intrinsic radiation, we measure dispersion, loss, pseudospin, and spin-spin scattering. We image spin-selective unidirectional propagation around sharp corners and junctio ...

Spin and orbital angular momenta (AM) of light are well studied for free-space electromagnetic fields, even nonparaxial. One of the important applications of these concepts is the information transfer using AM modes, often via optical fibers and other guiding systems. However, ...

Optical helicity density is usually discussed for monochromatic electromagnetic fields in free space. It plays an important role in the interaction with chiral molecules or nanoparticles. Here we introduce the optical helicity density in a dispersive isotropic medium. Our definit ...

The two-dimensional excitons of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers make these materials extremely promising for optical and optoelectronic applications. When the excitons interact with the electromagnetic field, they will give rise to exciton-polaritons, i.e., m ...

We demonstrate that the scattering matrix of nanophotonic systems is completely determined by their quasinormal modes and present a first-principle expansion technique which is directly applicable to an arbitrary number of modes and input-output channels.

Topological singularities are ubiquitous in many areas of physics. Polarization singularities are locations at which an aspect of the polarization ellipse of light becomes undetermined or degenerate. At C points, the orientation of the ellipse becomes degenerate and light’s elect ...

The emergence of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide materials has sparked intense activity in valleytronics, as their valley information can be encoded and detected with the spin angular momentum of light. We demonstrate the valley-dependent directional coupling o ...

The chiral interaction between transverse optical spin and circularly polarized emitters provides a novel way to manipulate spin information at the nanoscale. Here, we demonstrate the valley(spin)-dependent directional emission of transition metal chalcogenides (TMDs) into pla ...

We investigate the spectrum of bichromatic photonic crystals, a novel class of nanostructures which represent a photonic analog of topological insulators. Nontrivial topology is illustrated by the formation of strongly localized, topologically protected boundary states.@en
We demonstrate that superchiral near fields, fields that are essentially more twisted than circularly polarized light, exist above conventional silicon photonic crystal waveguides. We envision using these fields to accurately sense chiral molecules.@en
Phase singularities can be created and annihilated, but always in pairs. With optical near-field measurements, we track singularities in random waves as a function of wavelength, and discover correlations between creation and annihilation events.@en
It is well known that the quasinormal modes (or resonant states) of photonic structures can be associated with the poles of the scattering matrix of the system in the complex-frequency plane. In this work, the inverse problem, i.e., the reconstruction of the scattering matrix fro ...
We report on the realization of high-Q/V photonic crystal cavities in thin silicon membranes, with resonances around 1.55 μm wavelength. The cavity designs are based on a recently proposed photonic crystal implementation of the Aubry-André-Harper bichromatic potential, defined fr ...

We develop a theoretical formalism which explains asymmetric transmission (AT) in chiral resonators from their eigenmodes. We derive a fundamental limit for AT and propose the design of a chiral photonic crystal offering 84% AT.

Phase singularities are locations where light is twisted like a corkscrew, with positive or negative topological charge depending on the twisting direction. Among the multitude of singularities arising in random wave fields, some can be found at the same location, but only when t ...

We observe that the asymmetric transmission (AT) through photonic systems with a resonant chiral response is strongly related to the far-field properties of eigenmodes of the system. This understanding can be used to predict the AT for any resonant system from its complex eige ...

The scattering matrix is a fundamental tool to quantitatively describe the properties of resonant systems. In particular, it enables the understanding of many photonic devices of current interest, such as photonic metasurfaces and nanostructured optical scatterers. In this con ...

Phase singularities arise in scalar random waves, with spatial distribution reminiscent of particles in liquids. Supporting near-field experiment with analytical theory we show how such spatial distribution changes when considering vector waves.@en