D. Romano

13 records found

A Tale of CI Build Failures

An Open Source and a Financial Organization Perspective

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are widespread in both industrial and open-source software (OSS) projects. Recent research characterized build failures in CI and identified factors potentially correlated to them. However, most observations and findings of ...

Strong Agile Metrics

Mining Log Data to Determine Predictive Power of Software Metrics for Continuous Delivery Teams

ING Bank, a large Netherlands-based internationally operating bank, implemented a fully automated continuous delivery pipeline for its software engineering activities in more than 300 teams, that perform more than 2500 deployments to production each month on more than 750 differe ...
Continuous Delivery is an agile software develop- ment practice in which developers frequently integrate changes into the main development line and produce releases of their software. An automated Continuous Integration infrastructure builds and tests these changes. Claimed advan ...
Analyzing the Change-Proneness of APIs and web APIs APIs and web APIs are used to expose existing business logic and, hence, to ease the reuse of functionalities across multiple software systems. Software systems can use the business logic of legacy systems by binding their APIs ...
Recent studies have shown that the violation of the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is critical for maintaining and evolving software systems. Fat interfaces (i.e., interfaces violating the ISP) change more frequently and degrade the quality of the components coupled to the ...