Dirk Draheim
6 records found
PPPS'2023 - Proactive and Personalised Public Services
Searching for Meaningful Human Control in Algorithmic Government
The future is likely to see an increase in the use of automated decision-making systems in the public sector, which employ Artificial Intelligence and, in particular, machine learning techniques, to enable more proactive and personalised delivery of public services. Proactive del
Management of National eID Infrastructure as a State-Critical Asset and Public-private Partnership
Learning from the Case of Estonia
In the management of national electronic identity (eID) infrastructure, cooperation between public and private parties becomes more and more important, as the mutual dependencies between the provision of e-services and the provision of the national public key infrastructure (PKI)
The need for standardized and visualized performance monitoring on a wide range of topics has become apparent in recent years. In the public sector, there has been an increase in the number of dashboards to create transparency into the progress. Yet, the design of dashboards enco
The emergence of super-applications is a complete game changer in how future governments will deliver e-services and interact with their citizens. With respect to this, the scope of currently established e-government stage models is exhausted. Therefore, this article proposes a “
eIDAS Implementation Challenges
The Case of Estonia and the Netherlands
Solid eID (electronic identification) infrastructures form the backbone of today’s digital transformation. In June 2014, the European Commission adopted the eIDAS regulation (electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market) as a maj
Making e-Government Work
Learning from the Netherlands and Estonia
Countries are struggling to develop data exchange infrastructures needed to reap the benefits of e-government. Understanding the development of infrastructures can only be achieved by combining insights from institutional, technical and process perspectives. This paper contribute