B. Lin

5 records found

Ceramic nanofiltration (NF) is a promising alternative for direct surface water treatment, but is hampered for full-scale applications by fouling and a lack of eco-friendly cleaning regimes. In this work, an innovative reactive pre-coat layer, consisting of an iron oxychloride ca ...
Catalytic ceramic nanofiltration (NF) is a promising technology for direct wastewater reclamation, given its high separation selectivity and reactive surfaces for oxidative removal of fouling. A better understanding of the relation between fouling types and oxidative cleaning eff ...
Over the past decades, direct nanofiltration (NF) without pre-treatment has been widely recognized as an alternative for conventional membrane technologies in both drinking water and wastewater treatment, owing to its advantages in energy saving, low chemical usage and high perme ...
Ceramic nanofiltration (NF) is a newly-developed technology for water recycling, but is still limited to pilot-scale applications. Lacking efficient and eco-friendly strategies for cleaning ceramic NF membrane impedes its scaling-up in industries. Forward flush, backwash and acid ...
The influence of effluent organic matter (EfOM) on phosphate polishing removal by adsorption plays an important role in determining the application potential of adsorbents. Molecular understanding of EfOM regarding its impact on adsorption is insufficient due to a lack of appropr ...