Marcin Dukalski
7 records found
Much of recent progress in geophysics can be attributed to the adaptation of heterogeneous high-performance computing architectures. It is projected that the next major leap in many areas of science, and hence hopefully in geophysics too, will be due to the emergence of quantum c
Many seismic imaging methods use wavefield extrapolation operators to redatum sources and receivers from the surface into the subsurface. We discuss wavefield extrapolation operators that account for internal multiple reflections, in particular propagator matrices, transfer matri
Standard Marchenko redatuming and imaging schemes neglect evanescent waves and are based on the assumption that decomposition into downgoing and upgoing waves is possible in the subsurface. Recently we have shown that propagator matrices, which circumvent these assumptions, can b
Marchenko equation-based methods promise data-driven, true-amplitude internal multiple elimination. The method is exact in 1-D acoustic media, however it needs to be expanded to account for the presence of 2- and 3-D elastodynamic wave-field phenomena, such as compressional (P) t
With the Marchenko method it is possible to retrieve Green's functions between virtual sources in the subsurface and receivers at the surface from reflection data at the surface and focusing functions. A macro model of the subsurface is needed to estimate the first arrival; the i
Suppression of surface-related and internal multiples is an outstanding challenge in seismic data processing. The former is particularly difficult in shallow water, whereas the latter is problematic for targets buried under complex, highly scattering overburdens. We have develope
Internal multiple elimination
Can we trust an acoustic approximation?
Correct handling of strong elastic, internal, multiples remains a challenge for seismic imaging. Methods aimed at eliminating them are currently limited by monotonicity violations, a lack of a-priori knowledge about mode conversions, or unavailability of multi-component sources a