S. Meirelles Nunes da Rocha

9 records found

We present direct measurements of seafloor ripple dimensions, near-bed mean flow Reynolds stresses and near-bed turbulent sediment fluxes on a sandy inner shelf subjected to strong wave and tidal current forcing. The measurements of ripple dimensions (height, wavelength) and Reyn ...
This thesis examines the effects of the stratified tidal flow on the morphodynamics of the Dutch inner shelf. The south portion of the Dutch inner shelf is strongly influenced by the Rhine River ROFI (Region Of Freshwater Influence), which is generated by the discharge from the R ...
Wave-supported gravity flows (WSGFs) generate rates of sediment flux far exceeding other cross-shelf transport processes, contributing disproportionately to shelf morphology and net cross-shelf fluxes of sediment in many regions worldwide. However, the conditions deemed necessary ...
The Sand Engine is a 21.5 million m3 experimental mega-nourishment project that was built in 2011 along the Dutch coast. This intervention created a discontinuity in the previous straight sandy coastline, altering the local hydrodynamics in a region that is influenced ...
We present a new mechanism for cross-shore transport of fine sediment from the nearshore to the inner shelf resulting from the onshore propagation of river plume fronts. Onshore frontal propagation is observed in moorings and radar images, which show that fronts penetrate onshore ...
Extensive mud deposits are found off Cassino Beach, Brazil. The wave damping over the muddy bottom was studied using field measurements. By applying a technique of spectral analysis we showed that the wave attenuation occurred differently throughout the wave spectra. Field measur ...
This study presents the small scale bedform states found off the South-Holland coast during a 31+ days field observation of seabed acoustic imagery and near the bed velocities. Six main bed states were encountered: current ripples (C), wave ripples (W), combined wave-current ripp ...
The South-Holland coast of the Netherlands undergoes the influence of the Rhine river plume released from the Rotterdam waterways. An experiment, STRAINS, was conducted to study the impact of the fresh water on the nearshore hydrodynamics and sand transport. As part of the experi ...