Marius Staring

3 records found

Objective.The integration of proton beamlines with x-ray imaging/irradiation platforms has opened up possibilities for image-guided Bragg peak irradiations in small animals. Such irradiations allow selective targeting of normal tissue substructures and tumours. However, their sma ...

Implementation of delineation error detection systems in time-critical radiotherapy

Do AI-supported optimization and human preferences meet?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based auto-delineation technologies rapidly delineate multiple structures of interest like organs-at-risk and tumors in 3D medical images, reducing personnel load and facilitating time-critical therapies. Despite its accuracy, the AI may produce flawe ...
Deep learning models for organ contouring in radiotherapy are poised for clinical usage, but currently, there exist few tools for automated quality assessment (QA) of the predicted contours. Bayesian models and their associated uncertainty, can potentially automate the process of ...