K.F. Mulder
153 records found
Biomimicry design thinking education
A base-line exercise in preconceptions of biological analogies
Preliminary empirical research conducted by the leading author has shown that design students using biological analogies, or models across different contexts, often misinterpreted these, intentionally or unintentionally, during design. By copying shape or form without integrating
Innovations are required in urban infrastructures due to the pressing needs for mitigating climate change and prevent resource depletion. In order to address the slow pace of innovation in urban systems, this paper analyses factors involved in attempts to introduce novel sanitary
The challenge of sustainable development requires cities to aim for drastic improvements in the systems that support its vital functions. Innovating these systems can be extremely hard, and might take lots of time. A transparent and democratic strategy is important to guarantee s
Sanitary systems
Challenges for innovation
Global society is confronted with various challenges: climate change should be mitigated, and society should adapt to the impacts of climate change, resources will become scarcer and hence resources should be used more efficiently and recovered after use, the growing world popula
The ‘Grand Challenges’ of our times, like climate change, resource depletion, global inequity and the destruction of wildlife and biodiversity can only be addressed by innovating cities. This paper will analyse major options for innovating cities, main barriers for these innovati
Duurzame ontwikkeling in het ingenieursonderwijs blijkt geen snelle conflictloze strategie voor verduurzaming. Met als gevolg dat het breder leren denken van de ingenieur in opleiding nog in de kinderschoenen staat.@en
Strategic competences for concrete action towards sustainability
An oxymoron? Engineering education for a sustainable future
In the current discourses on sustainable development, one can discern two main intellectual cultures: an analytic one focusing on measuring problems and prioritizing measures, (Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Mass Flow Analysis (MFA), etc.) and; a policy/management one, focusing on lo
The state of technology is often used to characterise societies: the names of Stone-, Bronze-and Iron Age reflect this. The twentieth century has been called the “Automobile Age” (Flink, 1990), and our own time is often referred to as the “Information age” (Castells, 1997). Techn
Urban symbiosis
A new paradigm in the shift towards post-carbon cities
The metabolic flows of cities have to be reduced. Thus far, efforts have been mainly directed to providing the city with renewable resources, diminish resource consumption, and/or reuse the wastes and emissions. The dense fabric of urban infrastructures does not only provide a hi
Urban symbiosis is a strategy to create a more efficient metabolism of cities. However, urban symbiosis requires the integration of different systems, which is hard to achieve. Actors involved in existing systems can hardly develop ‘the bridges’ that are required to connect the t