K.A. Davis-Owusu

3 records found


De context als onderdeel van voedingsinnameregistratie

Mobiele zelfrapportagetools worden steeds vaker gebruikt voor het meten en registreren van de voedingsinname. Deze hebben echter onvoldoende wetenschappelijke basis, geven onderrapportage en stimuleren niet tot therapietrouw. De context, ofwel de volledige situatie ...
In this chapter, we investigate the extent to which the real-time bidirectional exchange of activity information can influence context-awareness, social presence, social connectedness, and importantly interpersonal activity synchrony in mediated ambient assisted living (AAL) envi ...


Engaging people to contextualise food behaviour: Mixed methods for monitoring choices and triggers of eating habits

Overweight and obesity affect the entire population. On a day-to-day basis, this problem relates to what people eat, why people eat what they eat and their day-to-day food choices. Towards e-health solutions that support self-management of (health) food related practices, a bette ...