J Crompvoets
32 records found
Since 2009, Open Government Data initiatives have been launched worldwide and the concept of open data is gaining momentum. Open data are often associated with realizing ambitions, such as a more transparent and efficient government, solving societal problems and increased econom
EuroSDR (http://www.eurosdr.net/) is a non-profit organisation that provides a pan- European network that brings together mapping/cadastre agencies and academia for the purpose of applied research, and securing timely, research-based knowledge that allows the agencies to play the
The pan european network for mapping agencies and academia
EuroSDR (http://www.eurosdr.net/) is a
non-profit organisation that provides a pan-European network that brings
together mapping / cadastre agencies and academia for the purpose of
applied research, and securing timely, research-based knowledge that
allows the agencies to pla
Big data is a well-known phenomenon, even a buzzword nowadays. It refers to an abundance of data and new possibilities to process and use them. Big data is subject of many publications. Some pay attention to the many possibilities of big data, others warn us for their consequence
Big data belooft veel voor surveillance. Toezicht houden is per definitie informatie-intensief. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat toezichthouders projecten opstarten om de nieuwe mogelijkheden van big data te exploreren. We spraken Gaël Kermarrec. Hij leidt sinds 2010 een big
Roadmap kernregistraties
Van open naar trusted data
Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat.@en
The motives for building SDIs are often based on anticipated benefits for society, economy, and environment. According to those widely articulated, but rarely proven benefits, SDI coordinators have been defining more specific objectives to be achieved by their SDIs. However, ther
The motives for building SDIs are often based on anticipated benefits for society, economy, and environment. According to those widely articulated, but rarely proven benefits, SDI coordinators have been defining more specific objectives to be achieved by their SDIs. However, ther