Gianfranco Nicodemo

5 records found

The Quay Walls of Amsterdam, Netherlands

An Approach for Collapse Risk Mitigation at the Municipal Scale Based on Multisource Monitoring and Surveying Data

The City of Amsterdam is responsible for the maintenance of 600 km of historic quay walls, most of which are over 100 years old while others are 300 years old and are experiencing stability and degradation problems. A lack of knowledge about the as-built information and the curre ...
This paper presents an integrated analysis based on the use of multi-source wide-area datasets consisting of hydro-mechanical properties of geomaterials, in-situ investigations/measurements (e.g. groundwater levels in wells) and innovative space-borne data (i.e. DInSAR techniques ...
This study presents a novel framework in which numerical modelling contributes to the performance of district-scale, subsidence-induced damage assessment in cities where ground settlements affect entire quarters. Therein, the implementation of expeditious procedures offers geotec ...
The paper presents a probabilistic analysis aimed at identifying the most appropriate subsidence related intensity (SRI) parameter (e.g., differential settlement, relative rotation, deflection ratio) that can be used to forecast the severity level of building damage at municipal ...

Empirical fragility curves for settlement-affected buildings

Analysis of different intensity parameters for seven hundred masonry buildings in The Netherlands

The analysis and prediction of damage to buildings resting on highly compressible fine-grained “soft soils” containing (organic) clay and peat are key issues to be addressed for a proper management of subsidence-affected urban areas. Among the probabilistic approaches suggested i ...