20 records found
Software reliability and its interaction with hardware reliability
Reductant flow control for NOx removal from lean exhaust gases.
Evaluation of an artificial neural network for NOx emission prediction from a transient diesel engine as a base for NOx control.
Evaluation of fit algorithms for NOx emission rediction for efficient deNOx control of transient diesel engine exhaust gas.
Optimization of the preparation of binderless ZSM-5 coatings on stainless steel monoliths by in-situ hydrothermal synthesis.
Deactivation of zeolite catalysts used for NOx removal.
In situ synthesis of binderless ZSM-5 zeolitic coatings on ceramic foam supports.
Development of a lean burn deNOx catalyst.
Hydrothermal deactivation of Ce-ZSM-5, Ce-beta, Ce-MOR and Ce-Y zeolite deNOx catalysts
Ce-ZSM-5 catalysts for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nox in stationary diesel exhaust gas
A novel stuctured catalyst packing for catalytic distillation of ETBE
Prediction of NOx emissions from a transiently operating diesel engine using an artificial neural network
Stability of Cerium exchanged zeolite catalysts for the selective reduction of NOx in simulated diesel exhaust gas.
Information on the development of a Ce-zeolite deNOx catalyst at Delft University of Technology.
Development of Ce-zeolite based SCR catalysts.
Evaluation of the performance of the Frauenthal V2O5 catalyst in stationary diesel exhaust.