Rodrigo Bissacot
2 records found
We consider one-dimensional long-range spin models (usually called Dyson models), consisting of Ising ferromagnets with slowly decaying long-range pair potentials of the form (formula presented), mainly focusing on the range of slow decays (formula presented). We describe two rec
Contour Methods for Long-Range Ising Models
Weakening Nearest-Neighbor Interactions and Adding Decaying Fields
We consider ferromagnetic long-range Ising models which display phase transitions. They are one-dimensional Ising ferromagnets, in which the interaction is given by Jx,y=J(|x-y|)≡1|x-y|2-α with α∈ [0 , 1) , in particular, J(1) = 1. For this class of models, one way in which one c