16 records found
Concrete evidence
High performance concrete overlay for rehabilitation and strengthening of orthotropic steel bridge decks
Reinforced high performance concrete overlay system for rehabilitation and strengthening of orthotropic steel bridge decks
Effects of temperature, shrinkage and creep on integral bridges
Reinforced high performance concrete overlay system for steel bridges
Hogesterktebeton als brugdekoverlaging
Shear tests on beams cut from ASR-affected bridge decks
Effect of paste composition on autogenous and drying shrinkage of HSC - grade B65
Design of integral bridges in The Netherlands
Structural consequences of ASR: an example on shear capacity
Integral Bridges in The Netherlands
Long term behaviour for cantilever bridges in HPC
B200-hefschuiven Stormvloedkering Oosterschelde
Prefab segmentbruggen met uitwendige voorspanning voor 'licht' verkeer
Shear resistance of flat slab bridges affected by ASR
Uitwendige voorspanninge in uitbouwbruggen