T.T.H. Maire
4 records found
Determining whether life can progress arbitrarily slowly may reveal fundamental barriers to staying out of thermal equilibrium for living systems. By monitoring budding yeast’s slowed-down life at frigid temperatures and with modeling, we establish that Reactive Oxygen Species (R
Keeping still life away from death
Functions and dynamics of gene expression during dormacy of Saccharomyces cerevisiae spores
While life is present everywhere on earth, each individual species can only grow and proliferate in a specific set of conditions. Moreover due to inherent fluctuation of the environment, individual organisms are often periodically confronted to stressful conditions that prohibit
Dormancy is colloquially considered as extending lifespan by being still. Starved yeasts form dormant spores that wake-up (germinate) when nutrients reappear but cannot germinate (die) after some time. What sets their lifespans and how they age are open questions because what pro
Evaluation of Schink et al.
Having the Gem Shine through a Fog
One snapshot of the peer review process for “Death Rate of E. coli during Starvation Is Set by Maintenance Cost and Biomass Recycling” (Schink et al., 2019).@en