H.O. Youk

10 records found

Dormancy is colloquially considered as extending lifespan by being still. Starved yeasts form dormant spores that wake-up (germinate) when nutrients reappear but cannot germinate (die) after some time. What sets their lifespans and how they age are open questions because what pro ...
The conventional view is that high temperatures cause microorganisms to replicate slowly or die. In this view, microorganisms autonomously combat heat-induced damages. However, microorganisms co-exist with each other, which raises the underexplored and timely question of whether ...

Cellular Dialogues

Cell-Cell Communication through Diffusible Molecules Yields Dynamic Spatial Patterns

Cells form spatial patterns by coordinating their gene expressions. How a group of mesoscopic numbers (hundreds to thousands) of cells, without pre-existing morphogen gradients and spatial organization, self-organizes spatial patterns remains poorly understood. Of particular impo ...

Evaluation of Schink et al.

Having the Gem Shine through a Fog

One snapshot of the peer review process for “Death Rate of E. coli during Starvation Is Set by Maintenance Cost and Biomass Recycling” (Schink et al., 2019).@en
Communicating is crucial for cells to coordinate their behaviors. Immunological processes, involving diverse cytokines and cell types, are ideal for developing frameworks for modeling coordinated behaviors of cells. Here, we review recent studies that combine modeling and experim ...
Communicating cells can coordinate their gene expressions to form spatial patterns, generating order from disorder. Ubiquitous “secrete-and-sense cells” secrete and sense the same molecule to do so. Here we present a modeling framework—based on cellular automata and mimicking app ...
Living systems, particularly multicellular systems, often seem hopelessly complex. But recent studies have suggested that, beneath this complexity, there may be unifying quantitative principles that are only now starting to unravel. All cells interact with their environments and ...