M. Koenen
5 records found
Several pure cultures of alkaliphilic haloaloarchaea were enriched and isolated from hypersaline soda lakes in southwestern Siberia using amylopectin and fructans as substrates. Phylogenomic analysis placed the isolates into two distinct groups within the class Halobacteria. Four
Recently, we isolated two marine strains, F1T and F21T, which together with Kiritimatiella glycovorans L21-Fru-ABT are the only pure cultures of the class Kiritimatiellae within the phylum Verrucomicrobiota. Here, we present an in-depth genome-gui
An anaerobic enrichment with CO from sediments of hypersaline soda lakes resulted in a methane-forming binary culture, whereby CO was utilized by a bacterium and not the methanogenic partner. The bacterial isolate ANCO1 forms a deep-branching phylogenetic lineage at the level of
We analyzed the polar membrane lipids of 13 strains of halo(alkali)philic euryarchaea from hypersaline lakes. Nine belong to the class Halobacteria, representing two functional groups: aerobic polysaccharide utilizers and sulfur-respiring anaerobes. The other four strains represe
Methanogenic enrichments from hypersaline lakes at moderate thermophilic conditions have resulted in the cultivation of an unknown deep lineage of euryarchaeota related to the class Halobacteria. Eleven soda lake isolates and three salt lake enrichment cultures were methyl-reduci