John Preston
3 records found
Workshop 7 report
Market initiative: Regulatory design, implementation and performance
This workshop reviewed recent good and bad practice with respect to market initiatives in public transport, with consideration of express coach, rail, local bus and unconventional modes. The options for market-led initiatives, and the associated regulatory requirements, were re-a
This paper documents some thoughts on the reform agenda in public transit that is occurring throughout the world. The specific focus is on a growing commitment to competitive regulation through competitive tendering, and the efforts by a few governments (notably in Australia) to
Competition and ownership in land passenger transport
The fifth international conference
The aim of this introductory paper is provide the background to the Fifth International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, which was held in Leeds, UK, in May 1997 and was attended by around 120 delegates from 20 countries. This is done by review