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D.M. van de Velde

118 records found

For decades, public transport services in most French towns and cities have been provided on a delegated management basis, by subcontracting to private parties, using calls for tender as a selection mechanism. Recently, however, a number of cities, some of them large, have opted ...
L'archive ouverte HAL SHS (Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société), est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion d'articles scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, dans toutes les disciplines des ...
This chapter presents an overview of the main features of the organization and provision of land passenger public transport in light of the profound reforms witnessed in the sector in the last decades. These regulatory reforms, inspired by a wave of neoliberal thinking, include a ...
Public authorities are under mounting pressure to promote more sustainable urban mobility, including a modal shift from cars. With an empirical focus on Oslo and Amsterdam metropolitan areas, this paper analyses how the interplay between formal frameworks, informal institutions, ...

Workshop 2 report

Practical considerations in implementing different institutional regimes

This workshop focussed on practical aspects of change across institutional regimes in the public transport sector, covering the experience from 11 countries in the rail, bus and coach sectors. Two key themes guided the workshop discussion: the introduction of competition (process ...
Splitsing van het spoorbedrijf in een vervoers- en infrastructuurbedrijf wordt vaak als noodzakelijk voor eerlijke concurrentie op het spoor gezien. Aan zo’n splitsing kleven echter ook nadelen en er zijn andere concurrentiegerichte hervormingen. Een verkenning van de alternatiev ...
The paper investigates how the interplay between six organisational elements of public transport systems (conditions) – i.e. integration of planning responsibilities within an authority at the regional/metropolitan level; land-use and transport integration; long-term metropolitan ...

Competition in Public Transport

An Exploratory Research in Institutional Frameworks in the Public Transport Sector

This thesis finds its origins in the debates that developed in the 1980s in Western Europe as to the role competition and private entrepreneurship should play in the provision of public transport services. At the time, observation of the debates showed there was widespread misund ...
De huidige NS-concessie geldt tot 2025. Vanuit de EU wordt er aangestuurd op meer concurrentie. Welke ruimte hebben de lidstaten voor marktordening op het spoor? Aan de hand van ervaringen in het buitenland wordt er geschetst welke keuzes en uitdagingen na 2025 voor Nederland ver ...

Workshop 3 report

Market initiative regimes in bus, coach and rail: Recent developments, threats, developing paradigms and regulatory needs

This paper synthesizes evidence from Workshop 3 ‘Market initiative regimes: experience and measures to improve performance’ of the 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport. This workshop discussed the growing importance of market init ...
Switzerland counts a large number of railway companies. Shared use of infrastructures exists for many years, as well as through-ticketing arrangements and integrated information systems. Concerns about the efficiency of the Swiss passenger transport system have recently triggered ...
The reform of railway regulation is a complex field and many details are of utmost importance both for the understanding of the functioning of the models and for the success of their implementation. Pure models do not exist in reality and it is common to encounter different model ...

Changing trains

Railway reform and the role of competition: The experience of six countries

Published in 1999. The book presents and compares the new relationships between transport authorities and railway companies in a number of countries (Great Britain, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and France). It also presents a number of case studies focusing on the role of ...
This paper contributes to the discussion on the ways organisational form of public transport systems may influence its performance. A worldwide Delphi survey with experts in the field is presented. After a three-stage iterative process interspersing questionnaires and controlled ...
Het slaperige Duitse stadje Pforzheim, tussen Karlsruhe en Stuttgart, veroorzaakte de nodige opschudding in de Duitse ov-wereld toen een vervoerder bereid bleek het stadsnet commercieel te exploiteren, dus zonder subsidie. Is dit het begin van meer?@en
The need for more sustainable and integrative planning processes as a way of dealing with the complexity of urban mobility has been widely recognized. Within the European Union (EU) there has been an enhanced focus on urban mobility solutions where local authorities move away fro ...

Workshop 7 report

Market initiative: Regulatory design, implementation and performance

This workshop reviewed recent good and bad practice with respect to market initiatives in public transport, with consideration of express coach, rail, local bus and unconventional modes. The options for market-led initiatives, and the associated regulatory requirements, were re-a ...