I. Čustović

4 records found

Mobile factories promise an increased project efficiency with on-demand production and Just-in-Time delivery of prefabricated elements. However, traditional scheduling methods predominantly focus on either factory or site and neglect the factory mobility, often leading to subopti ...
A digital twin (DT) can enhance construction management with comprehensive real-time simulations. However, research rarely considers prefabrication factories, whose processes have a significant impact on cost and duration. It remains unclear how construction DTs can achieve their ...
More widespread use of industrialized construction (IC) is hampered by the high capital cost of advanced production facilities paired with low profit margins. A novel service-oriented cloud manufacturing (CMfg) model could in theory increase utilization and profitability of distr ...

Teaching generative construction scheduling

Proposed curriculum design and analysis of student learning for the Tri-Constraint Method

Construction management courses are increasingly teaching digital technologies and automation. The default method to teach construction scheduling remains the critical path method, which suffers from lack of automation, lack of dynamic change processes, and wrong assumptions abou ...