Cloud manufacturing for industrialized construction: Opportunities and challenges for a new manufacturing model
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More widespread use of industrialized construction (IC) is hampered by the high capital cost of advanced production facilities paired with low profit margins. A novel service-oriented cloud manufacturing (CMfg) model could in theory increase utilization and profitability of distributed production facilities. However, little research has investigated how IC can benefit from the CMfg model. This paper examines opportunities and challenges of applying CMfg for IC. First, an adapted model of CMfg for construction is developed based on a literature review. Second, four possible scenarios for applying this adapted CMfg model are designed. Finally, an evaluation is performed through a survey among 25 practitioners and 12 in-depth interviews with industry experts. The paper assesses the desirability and categorizes the benefits and barriers of such a CMfg platform for IC. The results suggest that CMfg could enhance the design quality, support IC suitability assessment for project developers and lower financial risks for off-site manufacturers.