Indra Syifai
3 records found
The study of a two-terminal (2T) perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell requires accurate and concurrent description of photons absorption and tunnelling-mediated charge transport. By analysing current collection across the device heterointerfaces, we investigated the effect of (i) pe
In this work, an optical study of perovskite/c Si tandem solar cells with c-Si bottom solar cells passivated by high thermal-budget poly-Si, poly-SiOx and poly-SiCx is performed to evaluate their optical performance with respect to tandem solar cells employing conventional silico
Since single junction c-Si solar cells are reaching their practical efficiency limit. Perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cells hold the promise of achieving greater than 30% efficiencies. In this regard, optical simulations can deliver guidelines for reducing the parasitic absorption l