The performance of a pilot-scale superoxygenation system was evaluated in clean water and mixed liquor. A mass balance was applied over the pilot-scale system to determine the overall oxygen mass transfer rate coefficient (KLa, h−1), the standard oxygen tran
The performance of a pilot-scale superoxygenation system was evaluated in clean water and mixed liquor. A mass balance was applied over the pilot-scale system to determine the overall oxygen mass transfer rate coefficient (KLa, h−1), the standard oxygen transfer rate (SOTR, kg O2 d−1), and the standard oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE, %). Additionally, the alpha factor (α) was determined at a mixed liquor suspend solids (MLSS) concentration of approximately 5 g L−1. SOTEs of nearly 100% were obtained in clean water and mixed liquor. The results showed that at higher oxygen flowrates, higher transfer rates could be achieved; this however, at expenses of the transfer efficiency. As expected, lower transfer efficiencies were observed in mixed liquor compared to clean water. Alpha factors varied between 0.6 and 1.0. However, values of approximately 1.0 can be obtained in all cases by fine tuning the oxygen flowrate delivered to the system.