Vapor-liquid phase equilibrium (flash) calculations largely contribute to the total computation time of many process simulation models. As a result, process simulations, especially dynamic cases, are limited in the amount of detail that can be included due to time restrictions. I
Vapor-liquid phase equilibrium (flash) calculations largely contribute to the total computation time of many process simulation models. As a result, process simulations, especially dynamic cases, are limited in the amount of detail that can be included due to time restrictions. In addition, under certain conditions flash calculations can fail to provide acceptable results. In this work, artificial neural networks were investigated as a potentially faster and more robust alternative to conventional flash calculation methods. Classification neural networks were used to determine the phase stability of a given mixture of fluids, while regression networks were used to make predictions of thermodynamic property values. In addition to conventional flash types such as the constant pressure, constant temperature (PT), and constant pressure, constant entropy (PS) flash, neural networks are used to develop two concept flash types: a constant entropy, constant volume (SV), and a constant enthalpy, constant volume (HV) flash. All neural networks were trained on, and compared to, data generated using the PT-flash algorithm from the Thermodynamics for Engineering Applications (TEA) property calculator. Data was generated for mixtures of water and methanol over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. The artificial neural networks showed speed improvements over TEA of up to 35 times for phase classification and 15 times for property predictions. Overall phase classification accuracy scores of around 97% were achieved. Average property value prediction errors range between 0.5% and 7% when compared to the spread in magnitude of the test data, and R2 scores were in the general order of 0.95 and higher, although classification and property prediction in the two-phase region showed markedly higher errors than properties in the pure liquid or vapor regions. Moreover, thermodynamic consistency and the stability of a system consisting of multiple neural network flash types both still require considerable improvement. Finally, this work shows that artificial neural networks can be used to create unconventional flash types such a the SV- and HV-flash.